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white arrow
ADA Overlay icon

Page Heading 1

Page Sub-Header 2

StayGuest RoomsSuitesPet FriendlyADA
view of mountains and a field

Title: 33 characters including spaces

Component Name: Sub-Page Intro w/ Pic
Intro paragraph text: 460 characters including spaces: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut feugiat feugiat leo eu tristique. Aliquam sed faucibus nisl. Nullam vitae aliquam enim, sit amet venenatis odio. Nullam maximus sem eu fermentum venenatis. Sed nec tempus risus. Duis vestibulum elementum massa ac scelerisque. Morbi maximus mauris massa. In suscipit consequat euismod. Sed vitae gravida urna. Aliquam vehicula ornare rutrum. Cras non velit id justo gravida pretium quis sit amet eros.

Component Name: Centered Paragraph
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam. Morbi porta vel magna vel porttitor. Nulla mollis dolor non volutpat faucibus. Vivamus non lacus blandit, tempus risus ut, fringilla eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas hendrerit, dui ac rhoncus dictum, lectus nibh gravida nunc, non vulputate neque sem a lacus.

Script font title: 30 characters including spaces

Component Name: Text Left / Img Rt
Intro paragraph text: 428 characters including spaces: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce aliquet est libero, eget imperdiet purus ornare id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed dignissim ligula sit amet justo finibus mattis. Quisque a scelerisque nisl. Donec purus enim, ultrices sed ante et, tempus dignissim tortor. Nullam convallis sagittis fermentum. Sed convallis cursus ultrices. Nullam duis.

view of mountains and a field
view of mountains and a field

Script font title: 30 characters including spaces

Component Name: Img Left / Text Rt
Intro paragraph text: 428 characters including spaces. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce aliquet est libero, eget imperdiet purus ornare id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed dignissim ligula sit amet justo finibus mattis. Quisque a scelerisque nisl. Donec purus enim, ultrices sed ante et, tempus dignissim tortor. Nullam convallis sagittis fermentum. Sed convallis cursus ultrices. Nullam duis.

Component Name: Centered bullet list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam.
Component Name: Map Left / Text Rt
Paragraph text: 428 characters including spaces. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam. Morbi porta vel magna vel porttitor. Nulla mollis dolor non volutpat faucibus. Vivamus non lacus blandit, tempus risus ut, fringilla eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas hendrerit, dui ac rhoncus dictum, lectus nibh gravida nunc, non vulputate neque sem a lacus. Fusce id urna quam. Sed ut euismod nibh. Curabitur nisi lacus, dapibus id fermentum eu, lobortis vitae tellus. Duis faucibus, magna in dignissim aliquam, sem libero pharetra nibh, id condimentum quam orci a enim.
down arrow
To ensure a comfortable stay for all guests of Chaminade, we have developed the following guidelines for pet etiquette:

- Weight limit for dogs is 50 pounds

- There is a limit of two dogs per guest room. Any unreported dog will be charged a $300 nonrefundable cleaning fee.

- Pet owner agrees to keep their pet on a leash or in a kennel while on Chaminade property. In order to maintain a harmonious environment for all our guests, dogs are welcome on the patios of both our restaurants, The View and the Sunset Restaurant.

- Pet owner/guest agrees not to leave their pet unattended at any time while the pet is at Chaminade.

- A pet that becomes aggressive or disruptive to any Chaminade guest or employee must be immediately removed from the hotel upon request.

- Pet owner/guest agrees that if their pet barks in the guest room and becomes a disturbance to other guests, Pet owner/guest must depart hotel at Management discretion.

- Pet owner accepts full responsibility for any and all liability, claims, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) for personal injury or property damage that may result from the pet. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for the negligent or intentional acts of pet owner/guest or their pet which cause property damage to the facility or to the personal property of any other third persons, including, without limitation, the Company's guests, customers, employees, and agents, or personal injury to any other third persons, including, without limitation, the Company's guests, customers, employees, and agents utilizing Contractor’s services.
Component Name: Testimonial Rotator
quotation mark
"So impressed with this place. We got the flatbread appetizer and two salads and they were by far the best in the area. Big, open, clean space with amazing staff. Quality ingredients and great drink menu."
quotation mark
"One of the best restaurants in the Saranac Lake/Lake Placid area. Great food, great service, new and clean. We can't wait to return during our next trip to Saranac Lake."
view of mountains and a field
Component Name: Two Img Columns w/ Text Underneath
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam. Morbi porta vel magna vel porttitor.
view of mountains and a field
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat fermentum arcu non aliquam. Morbi porta vel magna vel porttitor.


Component Name: Three Columns of Text
Placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text


Placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text


Placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text, placeholder text
Dynamic Collage
view of mountains and a field
view of mountains and a field
Three Centered Buttons:
Advertising Carousel
This will eventually be an app, but for now you can edit content in Editor Mode:

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